Ambition, betrayal, love, greed and blood.
A prophecy from a trio of witches foretells Macbeth will one day be Queen. Consumed by ambition and goaded by her husband, Macbeth murders Queen Duncan and takes the throne. The tyrannical reign that follows, filled with guilt and paranoia, results in a bloodbath and civil war, as Macbeth and Lord Macbeth fall deeper into the realms of madness and death.
wit incorporated brings Shakespeare's famous tragedy to the stage in Melbourne’s inner west August 2016.
Written by William Shakespeare
Directed by Jennifer Innes
8pm Thursday to Saturday, 1pm Sunday
12–28 August 2016
Performed by: Jane Barry, Belinda Campbell, James Cerche, Guillym Davenport, Briony Farrell, Alexandra Hines, Chad O'Brien, Marissa O'Reilly, Jennifer Piper, Cait Spiker, Tammy Weller
With creative and staging support from: Allison Bell, Sarah Clarke, Elizabeth Esguerra, Jessica Lawrence, Penny McDonald, Simon Poynter, Jack Wilkinson, Cian Westall